Invest your 403(b) in the funds that best match your retirement goals.
Vision Fund
Investments in CEP’s Vision Fund are used to provide loans to Assemblies of God churches and ministries. The Vision Fund is currently offering a return of 3.5% APR and is reviewed quarterly. Read the Offering Circular carefully before investing.
Mutual Fund Options
Review the mutual funds by entering the symbol into any financial website. Read the fund prospectus(es) carefully before investing.
For accounts invested solely in the Vision Fund with a balance of $2,000 or more, there is a $5 monthly fee.
For accounts invested in mutual funds offered through Envoy Advisory, Inc., there is a percentage-based fee of 0.0267% monthly (0.32% annually). Mutual Funds may also have additional underlying expenses. Refer to the fund prospectus for more information.